Sunday, December 31, 2006
31st December 2006
Finally, the year of 2006 is coming to an end. It is time to review how i had spent my 2006.
Beginning of the year, i was posted to MI Bartley for my 1st 3 mths. Had to say that this period of 3 mths was the one of the most memorable moments in my life. Knew lots of great friends from different sec. schs and truly, I really feel fortunate to know them. They had added much joy and delight to my life.
After that, i was posted to Innova JC. Stayed for 2 days and then, i appealed to Yishun JC becuse of my 1st 3 mths friends. After my successful appeal to Yishun JC, I was ill for 2 weeks. Worse, it happened during my birthday and during the March holidays.
When sch term 2 starts, i was posted to class 115. 115 to me, is the best class that i ever had. Guys are handsome and cool, girls are gentle and pretty.Lol. From 115's 1st class outing ( BBQ at Winnie's Hse) to X'mas Party( also at winnie's hse )=p, great moments are unforgettable. The undefeated streak of 115 soccer team, the Soya Bean cup, Arts Fusion, celebrations of our classmates' birthdays, the dinner at marina bay and etc. However, never there is a never-ending situation. Although great times with 115 were over, they ll not be forgotten. I ll cherish the memories i had with 115 as i move on. Thx 115! =)
Next, its the OBS period( 5 days n 4 nights) in Pulau Ubin during holidays. I am glad that i attended the OBS coz during this period, i knew more friends from the sch cohort. The sch councilors and house exco. members, these are the new friends that i had made during OBS. During the 5 days n 4 nights, we partcipated in activities with strong unity. The games that we played together, kayaking, how we spent our 4 nights etc. OBS made me remember that teamwork is important. From the book" 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", it says that dependence> independence> interdependence. OBS reminded me of this. It reminded me that a team works better than an individual. I know this ll be useful for me in the future and i am really grateful to these OBS friends whom i knew and spent great times together during OBS. Shackleton ROCKS!
Lastly, it is the Cambodia CIP Trip!! Its my 1st overseas trip with schmates, so i was very excited. From Cambodia, I learnt many stuffs that cannot be taught in Singapore. The importance of family, the culture and history of Cambodia, lifestyle of the Cambodians. In Singapore, i can never experience the hardship that Cambodians are facing in their country. Starvation, lack of education, hygience and health problems. In Singapore, such problems are minimal.People, dun think u r very unfortunate to live in Singapore, if u feel so. Because in fact, there are many more people whose lifestyle are unthinkably terrible. So do cherish ur Family, urself and Singapore. =)
Alright now lets talk bout my happy Moments during 2006: Moments with 115 and OG2, OBS and Cambodia trip. Lol!
In 2006, sad events had happened too. Firstly, i ended a 2-half years relationship with a girl. Honestly, she is the best girl that i ever knew.But for my own selfish reasons, i made her heartbroken and broke my promises.. If you are reading this, I am truly sorry for the pain that i had caused and i hope u ll or had overcome the pain. 2ndly, i was retained. After O'levels, my parents thought that i am mature enough to do my self-studying without them interfering too much. However, i had disappointed them. I had been breaking promises to my parents. Never once that i had really fulfilled my promise to them. Hence, by hook or by crook, i ll promote to yr 2 next year. These are all that i can remember. =p
Alright, the curtains of 2006 has just fallen. Let's look forward to 2007=)
Posted by Hans En at 11:02 AM
Friday, December 29, 2006
28th December 2006
Today is the 115 Day! Went to buy BBQ accessories with Guang Zu, Weilun, Terence and Chern hui. After that, we arrived at Winnie's hse at 6 30pm. ( REally sorry to Eleanor who waited for 1 hr at winnie's hse) :p. Although it was raining, it did not stop us from bbqing. With the help of umbrellas and determination of our classmates, we managed to start and continue the BBq! Everything ends ard 10 30pm, with Hui min's birthday as the Finale! Then, we xchanged presents. I got chocolates for my X'mas present =) Its great to c most of the class coming for the party, not forgetting William, Derrick, Yasothai, Mahesh and Lan dung who had something on. THx everyone!, especially Winnie for ordering the food and being the Host. Really enjoyed myself today=)
Posted by Hans En at 11:36 PM
Thursday, December 28, 2006
28th December 2006

Monopoly (Tag-Team Version!)

Me, Shu Yi and Dao Wei
Many things happened today. Firstly, there was e OGL camp in sch. Went to sch at 8 to play bball with jan, wei lun and guang zu. After that, we played games like " Harry meets Sally", " Monster Machine", "Hola Hoop Obstacle" and " Blind Mice". For " Blind Mice", I was supposed to look for my groupmates by making a sound like" Tur-Tur" to attract my grp mates who were blindfolded like me. Although it was pretty scary, we persevered and managed to find one another. Then, it was the Mass Dance. Kept dancing forseveral times non-stop. Later, we learnt a new dance. Very hip-hop and cool, but also very difficult and tough. Really felt like taking up hip-hop dancing session. Lol!
Next, its the OG 2 party in Juvia's hse! Had fun eating while crapping and playing monopoly. We played a tag-team version of monopoly plus oligopoly style of playing. However in the end, it resulted in a defeat for my side as the alliance of the opposing team was too strong to be overthrown. Well, lets hope that this party ll not be e last for OG2, coz i ll be looking forward to more OG2 outings in the future!
Posted by Hans En at 12:39 AM
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
December 23rd,24th and 25th

On 23rd, for the whole day, i was painting. At 1st, i thought it was pretty fun and interesting. Actually, it was damn tough. Really got to respect those painters who have to paint often. Painting really make me realise that any job is no easy task. It seems easy, but in fact it is tough. Oh ya. Here i wanna wish yu ting Happi Birthdae! ALright on 24th, i went out with Jan. Met Andria and Wei Lun ltr. Bought E presents for the present x-change parties and after that, we guys went to AMK to play pool and Daytona.Then, i went to my sis' hse for christmas party! Got a Columbia pouch from both of my sisters. =) Stayed till 1 30 am before reaching home. Slept at 3am.Then on X mas dae itself, i woke up at 2 30pm. Started painting around 4 and ended around 11. Time passed quickly and X mas is over! Disappointing! Nvm i ll look forward to Og2 and 115 parties.
Posted by Hans En at 10:44 AM
Friday, December 22, 2006
December 22nd 2006
Today i went sch for the ogl training camp. Before that, played bball with jan and wei lun. Oh man i still losing 3-2 to Jan =(. nvm i ll catch up soon! Anyway after that, i went for Cambodia Trip Presentation discussion. Pretty fruitful as each of us knows what to do le. Then, i went for the ogl training camp. Sorry, but honestly speaking, the training camp was pretty bored. There s briefing regarding the 6 days orientation, CSI and Mass dance practice. Sounds cool in the 1st place, but dunno y in e end i felt bored ( ? ) . After the ogl thing, went to meet ming liang n others. *sharks* Ming liang injured his right arm again while playing soccer. Didn get a chance to play him. haiz. Anyway after that, we played a match, 2 on 3. My team managed to snatch the victory from the other team. Lol!
Posted by Hans En at 10:49 PM
Monday, December 18, 2006
18th December 2006
Today i went to Escape with yu ting, cherlyn, derrick, chern hui, terence. It has been long since i went Escape. Not much changes are seen, just that there is a Haunted House. Chern Hui was so scared that we had to pull her into the haunted house. Not only chern hui, when we went in, all of us began to fear. It was indeed scary inside the Haunted House. Flashy lights and ghosts( the staff) were used to make the atmosphere horrifying. After 2 min of torment,we finally got out of the Haunted house. Although there was air-con inside the house, we were sweating like hell after that. Then, we played almost everything except go-kart. After escape, we went to eat Sakae Sushi at Changi Airport. Purchased my coloured contacts be4 heading home.
Posted by Hans En at 10:47 PM
17 th December 2006
This is my 1st post! haha. ALright let talk bout what happened today. i woke up around 12pm and used com till 1pm. After that, i watched Star Awards from 130pm to 430pm. Its not as prestigious as before. Perhaps because of the SCV that my dad subscribed this june, i feel that local programmes are not as interesting and entertaining as overseas programmes. Then, i used again from 5pm to 845pm. Had my dinner around 9pm. Slacked for a while before watching the Everton-Chelsea match. Supposingly Everton should have won. But honestly, Chelsea won with quality displays. The goals were splendidly scored outside the penalty box. Nvm.. it will not pose any threat to Man U. Coz Man U is going to defeat West Ham. So Man U will still lead Chelsea by 5 pts. MUahahahaa! LAstly, something happened today. I accidentally tore my coloured contact lens which i wore once only. DAmn! alright. i ll purchase another set..
Posted by Hans En at 12:26 AM
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Posted by Hans En at 2:26 PM