Saturday, January 27, 2007
27th January 2007
Today is my Brother ROM's DAy! Next Sat ll be his wedding dinner! Will update about it next week with pictures! =)
Posted by Hans En at 9:29 PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
2 5th January 2007
Today's Wednesday! Had 3 hrs maths today. Skipped econs lecture which is the last lesson.So in the end, i was with the RC people in the canteen and after that, in the council room. Then, i went for bowling training at Farrer Park. Training was alright. When it was nearing the end, my games were horribly terrible. Although i got 141 for the 1st game, i got 76 for the 2nd game. 3rd game was played halfway only and it was also terrible. Still got 4 more months to the competition. With these kind of scores, how can i perform well in the competition? Haiz..
Posted by Hans En at 10:52 PM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
23th January 2007
Wasn't feeling well today. So in the end, i went off early to see doctor.
Hey people! I have another blog on the way. In this blog, i ll talking bout a book called " The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" This book is one of the best books that i have ever read. Very philosophical and great analysis into people's behaviour in any kind of society. SO look forward to it ba! =)
Posted by Hans En at 3:25 PM
Monday, January 22, 2007
22th January 2007
Today's my Kor's birthday! Happy Birthday to my Kor! Woke up at 6 15 am. Left home around 6 55am. When i was approaching the bus-stop, my bus went off. So i waited till 7 20am for the next bus to arrive. However, the bus was full of people! So full that the bus driver just drove off. While lamenting inside myself, i decided to call my dad to fetch me to sch. Just after i asked him so, the 3rd bus came just 3 min after the 2nd 1. DAmn! What a bad morning!Luckily i was not late. Man i gonna wake up at 5 45 am tml!(Hope so.) In sch, I had GP test, CLL, GP and my well-disliked econs tutorial. Got to "praise" the teacher for improving "a bit" in her tutorial. After that, i went for bowling physical training. Pretty tough, but it seems interesting to me (*Is there something wrong with me??*) Went with ex-115 people for dinner at 8pm. Met Pork at northpoint at 8 45pm to go home together. * Hey pork! Cheer up hor! Dun waste the tag! =)
Posted by Hans En at 10:58 PM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
20 th January 2007
Today is Janson's birthday!! Happi birthdae to Him!! Today, in the morning, i played FM and watched utube till 2pm. Went out with my sisters n Mum at 4pm to town to buy my new shoes!! HAHA. Celebrated my bro's birthday at night at Sakae Sushi. Basically did nothing today bout my studies. Have to start doing my homework tml! But tml i still have to paint e last room in my house. Haiz =( (
Posted by Hans En at 11:25 PM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
18th January 2007
Today is a bad bad day. Morning is still alright. But everything changed after the econs tutorial. My class's econs teacher is one of the worst teachers that i had ever met. She cant teach and she dunno how to teach. Without her notes, she ll be nothing as for the whole lesson, she had been referring to her notes for teaching.( Any1 can teach then) For the whole lesson, she had been asking students to answer her questions. All the answers could be found in the notes and we lll just merely read it out. Monotonous and boring, she just caused my class's morale to hit a new low. Honestly i really hope that next lesson she ll be replaced. She just spoilt my mood for the day. Dunno how to survive if she continues..Besides, i did something today. V guilty after that. no..
Posted by Hans En at 10:25 PM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
17 th Janaury 2007
Today s Andria's birthday. Happi Birthdae to u! =) Anyway today is also the 1st training of the bowling team. In addition of the newly recruited year 1s, a total of 13 people went for the training. Overall its not bad. Sensed a glimmer of hope within the bowling team to perform well this year. SO lets hope after during the 2nd intake, the current 1st intake and future 2nd intake students ( hope more ll join us) ll help us in attaining top 5 in the Nationals this year! =]
Posted by Hans En at 10:12 PM
Monday, January 15, 2007
14th January 2007
Today is the Dragonboating Day! Finally!! Reached sch at around 12 45pm and arrived at Kallang around 1 30. Had lunch at KFC. Rainy day. At the end of dragonboating, P31( my class) got 3rd out of 6 classes. Well done P31(15 girls and 6 guys) ! Great experience. The Dragonboating Session was undescribly Great! :p
Posted by Hans En at 9:16 PM
Friday, January 12, 2007
12th January 2007
Today is the last sch day of the week. In the morning, my class had a CT session with our CT ( Miss Foo). She and Miss Lim are very alike in the way which they speak. During the CT session, we had appointed different class roles for different individuals. I was appointed as the MATHS REp. I hope to get a slacker role, but no choice.. Had Econs, GP, MAths and CLL lessons continuously. AFter that, i went to meet 115 pple! OMG damn long didn;t have a nice chat with them le. Studied for a while before having dinner with 115. We had teppanyaki =) Waited for pork to go home together after dinner. * Hey pork! must treat me to a lunch !* Okay lets hope that next Mon ll not rain. Because.. its the Dragonboating DAy. Looking forward to it =)
Posted by Hans En at 9:53 PM
Thursday, January 11, 2007
11th January 2007
Today is the 1st day of School! Gosh finally it started. Damn moody today. Maybe its because of lessons. Dunno y also :? Anyway i had Econs and Maths Lecture in the morning. Studied with Didi and pork until 1 30 in the library before going off to the hall to meet up with R6. Played Captain's ball with R6.( My team was always the winning team =) only till the moment when the last game was played =( . Went home together with pork and got drenched in the heavy rain before reaching home. A moody day for me... y??
Posted by Hans En at 8:23 PM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
10th January 2007
Today is the last day of the Orientation. To me, among the other 5 days, its e most memorable. ( Mayb its because i din go for Scouts Camp activity yesterday)Lol. Alright nvm thats not the main pt. Today, OG classes were splitted into P classes. I was posted to P31. Same class with 6 retainees( Andria, Brenda, Jie min n few more whom i dun noe yet). Kinda of contented because at least there are few whom i knew. After that, P classes were to gather in the hall for performing arts introduction. Then, lunch and further more performing arts introductions. Next, its the CCa Exhibition. At first, i really thought that bowling may not get many people to join. However, the result is overwhelming! We had around 40 people interested in Bowling and want to consider Bowling as their main CCA. As compared to last year ( according to cynthia only got a few signed up), i really felt overwhelmed.( cant find another word to describe my feelings) I know most likely many ll not turn up for training, but this does give the bowling team a glimpse of hope that future of bowling may be bright! Haha. *Thumbs up to the bowling team* Lastly, during the CCA exhibition, we (R1 and R6 respectively) had photo takings, mostly candid and informal. Ll upload the photos soon =)
Posted by Hans En at 10:28 PM
Monday, January 08, 2007
8th January 2007
Its the 4th day of the orientation. Was suffering from Monday Blues.(feeling bored n tired in the morning). Everything went well today. Played murderer with R1. Oh man i m officially posted to R1, no longer R6 anymore. Also R6 pple dun even remember me as once their OGL. Haiz. Nvm i still got R1. Anyway after that, we played games like Monster Machine, BLind Mice, Hula hoop etc. After lunch, coz R1 finished their lunch earlier, we went to the hall to play Captain's Ball. What a great game for interaction! Then, we played CSI. "Heard" that R1 was the best in CSI.( coz i was playing soccer at the end of the CSI =p) After orientation, i went for bowling meeting regarding CCA exhibition. Went to BK for dinner with fishball, Will and Guang Zu. Thats the end of my day =]
Posted by Hans En at 9:25 PM
Saturday, January 06, 2007
5th January 2007

4 sub-houses( Seletar 1, Rodney 1, Peirce 1 and Admiralty 1) inside a bus
3rd day of Orientation! Played MAfia and Diditui in the morning with my OG 24. The most fun moment during these 3 days. Then, the sub-houses 1 played Captain's Ball. Initially i was with R6. But, because R1 only have 1 OGL( Joseph), so i had to join him. My R6~~~. Ok after that its the AMazing race! Truly amazing! Coz its amazingly easy =P Started the game at 12 .30pm and ended 5 30pm at e animal farm at Seletar west Farmway road. Visited 3 stations(Yishun,Bishan and Orchard) during the game. Besides, we ( Seletar1, Rodney 1, Peirce 1 and Admiralty 1) had also acheived an amazing feat! With a total of 70 plus members, we managed to squeeze~ into a small single-decker 86 SBS bus. This is definitely 1 of my squeeziest moments in my life. So in overall, i got to know new friends in R1. =) R1 and R6 rock!!
Posted by Hans En at 12:02 AM
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
3rd Januaury 2007 Wednesday
Alright today is the 1st day of Yishun JC Orientation. Reached sch around 6 50am.Will, Siew Ling, Shi Hui and i were in charge of OG24. Around 20 pple turned up. Started interaction with the OG for ard a hour. After that, while the jc 1 newly intakes went to the hall for subject combination talk, we the OGLs went to LT4 for a discipline talk by Mr Ganesh. Then, Me and Jan went to cut hair. =( My hair.. Nvm. We returned sch just nice for lunch. After that, we were redivided into sub-houses. Pretty messy and i dun really prefer it to OG24 coz didn't really know the people in Rodney 6( my grp). With R-6, we went to tour around the sch. BOring :/ Then, we went to hall for mass dance. OMG it was the tough Step-up music dance that we were doing. Quite difficult and many were struggling with it. Only few OGLs, including me =) tried to dance. But with many not dancing, the whole process turned dull. The new intakes were not really enthusiastic and this really bring our morale down. Subject Combination talk again after that and ice breaker games. Lastly, debrief.. Boring Day 1. BUT, i believe DAy 2 ll be a better day. =)
Posted by Hans En at 9:11 PM
3rd January 2007 Wed
OMG I can't sleep! Now is already 2 .19am and i have to wake up on 6am. SHarks! Later on it is the 1st day of Orientation. Hope dat i can stay awake throughout the whole thing ba. =l
Posted by Hans En at 2:18 AM