Sunday, April 05, 2009
Theories and Practices Life And Death JesusI always have a question on my mind: "Since i need to read the bible to understand and imitate Jesus, why can't i spend my entire free time on doing so? Why must i go through tough times when i don't like, eg: to interact with friends, go through army when i am feeling down. Why can't God give a clear direction in life and direct me to that point, so that i don't have to go through these unnecessary times? " For these 2-3 weeks, i have experienced great despair. Really v painful and difficult to handle. I wondered why God put me in army, why God put me among friends who are non-Christians and why i have to endure bgr problems on my 1st day in sergeant course. V discouraged and emo. But on the other hand, its only through tough times then will i experience GOD's realness.I read lot of bible verses and have the tendency to read more. Its good, but i realise i cannot always dwell on bible verses. I have to practise them! Just like studies and skills. One cannot improve his skills without practising. Same for bible verses. Without practices, I cannot imitate Christ better. I cannot be a Christian like how Christ will want me to be.These periods also allowed me to dwell on issues like life and death. I realise that i am weak, fearful and selfish, not like how i had viewed myself in the past( Strong, courageous and helpful).If i am to encounter any life-and-death situations, i don't think i can handle them.Jesus here i pray that you can strengthen me and help me pull through life situations. I believe there are purposes behind everything, so please help me understand them.
Posted by Hans En at 5:46 PM